Quote Request Form
Quote Request Form

Automatically create accounts for new customers

Custom text displayed at the very top of the popup window

Custom html text displayed before the form

Phone Number
Phone Number

Select the default country on form initialization. Set to Auto for automatic country detection by IP address

Display selected countries at the top of the list

Display only specified countries in the dropdown. Unselect for all countries

This text will appear under the input field.

File Attachments
File Attachments

Comma separated list of file extensions

Maximum allowed file size

This text will appear under the input field.

Custom Field 1
Custom Field 1

This text will appear under the input field.

Select values should be separated with new line
Use ^Option Text to check default
Use Option Text {{null}} to create option without value
Use Option Text {{val VALUE}} to set different option value
Use Option Text {{disabled}} to create disabled option
Use {{optgroup label="Option group"}}...{{/optgroup}} to create group of options
{{optgroup label="Fruits"}}

Display options in one line

Disable days of the week.

Shift disabled days in future or in the past. Use negative values to shift dates to the past.

Shift disabled days in future or in the past. Use negative values to shift dates to the past.

Custom Field 2
Custom Field 2

This text will appear under the input field.

Select values should be separated with new line
Use ^Option Text to check default
Use Option Text {{null}} to create option without value
Use Option Text {{val VALUE}} to set different option value
Use Option Text {{disabled}} to create disabled option
Use {{optgroup label="Option group"}}...{{/optgroup}} to create group of options
{{optgroup label="Fruits"}}

Display options in one line

Disable days of the week.

Shift disabled days in future or in the past. Use negative values to shift dates to the past.

Shift disabled days in future or in the past. Use negative values to shift dates to the past.

Custom Field 3
Custom Field 3

This text will appear under the input field.

Select values should be separated with new line
Use ^Option Text to check default
Use Option Text {{null}} to create option without value
Use Option Text {{val VALUE}} to set different option value
Use Option Text {{disabled}} to create disabled option
Use {{optgroup label="Option group"}}...{{/optgroup}} to create group of options
{{optgroup label="Fruits"}}

Display options in one line

Disable days of the week.

Shift disabled days in future or in the past. Use negative values to shift dates to the past.

Shift disabled days in future or in the past. Use negative values to shift dates to the past.

Hyvä Theme Developer
Hyvä Theme Developer
Quote Expiration
Quote Expiration

Empty or 0 - don’t send

Admin Notifications
Admin Notifications

You can specify multiple addresses comma separated

Customer Notifications
Customer Notifications
Export To PDF
Export To PDF
Make sure mPDF is installed. Please run the command: composer require mpdf/mpdf
MageMe Extensions
Demo Menu


Frontend: Luma

Frontend: Hyvä

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